I knew that the Netflix offering was based on the country that you were using it in and not the country that you subscribed in so using a proxy server (or virtual private network VPN service) you could watch the Netflix offerings for different countries while still being in your home country.
I started to use a service called Unblock-Us about 4 months ago. They offered a free 1 week trial so I decided to try it and was very satisfied with their service. For an extra ~$5.00 per month, they offered me the ability to watch movies and television shows that Netflix offered in other countries. I wrote 2 blog entries/reviews about Unblock-Us. You can find out more about my thoughts on their service from my blog entries *HERE* and *HERE*. I also got their service to work with my LG SmartTV Upgrader Box but because of a firmware/hardware limitation in the device, the LG SmartTV Upgrader Box will only work with the Canadian Netflix service and the US Netflix service. When I want to watch another country's Netflix offering (other than Canada/US) on my HD television, I basically use my Android tablet which has the Netflix application on it, plug a micro-HDMI cable to my Android tablet and connect it to the HDMI port on my television and I can watch Netflix's offerings for Canada, the US, the UK, Ireland, Mexico, Brazil, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland on my HD television.
Now the problem is that in order to know what is offered in the Netflix country, I have to go to the Unblock-Us website, set the country, go to Netflix on my computer, and then do a search for what I am looking for (and hope that it is available or that something similar is available). Since Unblock-Us offers 10 Netflix countries to choose from, this can get tedious and very time consuming. This is where the Moreflicks website comes into the picture.
By going to the Moreflicks website, you are able to do a search for movies and television programs and see where it is available (whether on Hulu or Netflix). For Netflix, it will also show what country the movie is available for viewing on Netflix.
For example, let's say that I wanted to see "Batman", I would just go onto the Moreflicks website and then unselect Hulu (optional) from the search and just type in Batman in the search field (making sure to either select "Movies" or "TV Shows" depending on my interest) and it will come up with all the Batman movies (in my case). I would just click on the "Netflix" icon next to the movie and I can see that "Batman: Under the Red Hood" is available for Netflix US, "Batman Begins" is available for Netflix Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and Norway, etc.
I would then go back to Unblock-Us and follow the instructions found *HERE* to set the country for Netflix and then watch the movie that I am interested in.
So far, Moreflicks is a free service so I am not sure whether this will change but it is extremely useful/helpful to find specific movies or television shows for Netflix in the different countries, making it an indispensable tool for anyone with Netflix who either uses it with a VPN service or a service like Unblock-Us.
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Great article. The DNS option is better than using a VPN regarding content streaming because you can achieve direct connection with the media station ex. Netflix and avoid the “middle-man”. Personally, I am using UnoTelly which is similar to Unblock-us. Perhaps you should check UnoTelly as well if you haven’t done so.